There was a culture of sleeping in my last job. You felt hard done by if you didnt get 6 hours on night shift

I had a space about 8 foot up in some racking, and i used to slide some boxes in front of me so i couldnt be seen.
After a couple of oversleeps, i took a wind up alarm clock to make sure it didnt happen again....
So, i lay there one night...i heard a supervisor coming into the stores

I lay still.....

he's moseying round....bugger off i thought as i lay there....someone else comes in, and the supervisor says...'i can hear something ticking'

I lay there, as he started to climb the racking where i'm laid...

As he did, a tannoy went off asking him to report to the office, he climbed down and went off

He'd been 2 feet away from me

It wouldnt have been too bad if he'd caught me, we knew each other well....but what the eye doesnt see.......
This kind of behaviour is what prompted my signature below....