I was mates with an Irish guy in hospital in London many years ago. We had both been on morpheme for pain relief, constipation followed. My man was given some sort of laxative, in truth, I had forgotten all about him. I wandered past the toilet and heard a nolse. *ssssswwwwwwhhhhrrrrttttt!*I'm a veteran speaking from experience! Three years ago I was in an eight man post-operative ward at Hammersmith Hospital and quite heavily dosed with opiates. After four days or so, I asked the delightful nurses for something to shunt things along. I spent at least 10 hours sitting on an NHS lavatory feeling increasingly miserable as the laxatives did their deadly (and noisy) business.
His unmistakable voice screaming "joysis chriiiist!"
I thought it was hilarious..... they came for me next.....I have never prayed to non-existant God so hard!