I actually grew 6 cannabis plants 16 years ago. A bloke i knew gave me 8 seeds. I planted them in small individual pots not really expecting them to surface. 6 did! Tiny cannabis leaves,i felt so chuffed! I left them in my backyard/garden to grow. It was a long hot summer,so they reached about 4 ft in height. Some nights i'd take them into the house. Then the following day,i'd come downstairs to be met with that smell,which i do like!
The plants didn't produce many flowers,just the odd one and not very big. One day nosy mother in law went out the back and found/saw/smelt them!
She asked me what they were,as she's a bit of a gardening fan. I told her i didn't know,as someone had given me the seeds which i just planted to see what they were.
Her being nosey then took a leaf and said she'd look it up. It was never mentioned after,but after that,whenever she came round to our house she'd make a point of sniffing loudly to let me know that she knew what those plants were.