Skin tag removal

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Legendary Member
🤣🤣 I'm a bit over sensitive on this subject. 2020 has been a bit shoot in a few ways - skin cancer being one of them. If I had realised it wasn't just about dodgy moles, I might have a slightly smaller scar.
Skin cancer too here. Mrs D spotted it and i had it excised. Testimg showed it to be malignent, but bi monthly blood tests showed none of the antibodies one would expect if I were in trouble, and ive been fine for 7 or 8 years. While its not something I choose to dwell on, im happy to crack a joke and lighten the mood - over 3 decades of service to the Crown has warped my sense of humpur very badly, Im afraid.


I had several nevus type moles treated a few years ago - the ones that look like the rubber on the end of a pencil. Unfortunately it was my GP's first go at freezing moles off and she didn't do a great job. One dropped off and is now a flattened mark, but the others just scabbed up and are a bit smaller but still there. It's a pain when they catch on clothing but they aren't visible so I'm inclined to leave them now.

The freezing off wasn't painful and you just leave it to scab up under a plaster for a week or so. I would think it would be painless for skin tags.
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