Just had a look at them PP - they look good. Might give it a go. Cheaper than a sprung one too, which is a bonus!
The nightmare continues...
I am now the proud owner of one of these, on padallingpasty's recommendation:
And it looks good and much sturdier than the sprung tensioner I was using before. On attempting to fit, it became clear that the position of the drop out and the derallieur hanger hole didn't allow for it to push the chain up, as is the preferred method - but it does fit pushing it down, which is fine.
The problem I have with it is chain line - the tensioner only sits on one line, not allowing for lateral movement. The roller is quite wide but with the chain line I have, it's in the wrong place - the chain 'grabs' the plastic edge of the roller as the chain runs over it. I've tried fitting a washer to bring it back out a bit but this wasn't enough and it put the quick release skewer at a funny angle. I've also tried changing my chain line, as of course you would, but to move it to fit with the tensioner would render it completely out of line - it started skipping on the front chainring.
If I'm looking at adjusting the lateral line of this tensioner, is my only option now to physically bend it to the position I need it in? I'm happy to do that but reluctant to start on it if there's a more obvious solution I've not recognised yet.