Became aware about 30% in to my easy (well that is how I wanted it to be when I left work )run home that the BMC kitted out chap I had seen pulling out had caught me at the lights, just before one of my less favourite sections, I blew my legs out over 4 miles, he wasn't there at the top of the climb in link 2 below I have no clue if I dropped him or he turned off but I was completely bolloxed when I got home! I REALLY have to leave my bloody ego at the front door, made no sense what so ever on a Monday afternoon having done a fast run Monday morning. And now I have set two very difficult PR's lol This section I was just boosting in case he was on me. Previous best was 16.8 yesterday 18mph
Then this section started at the lights when I became aware he had caught up 13.5 previous best up to 15.2mph
I suffered this morning