In the course of over 20 years at my last employer, we went through four major organisation structure changes. Each of these required over a year's planning and also sucked in huge management resources such that most managers were involved in restructuring rather than taking care of their day to day responsibilites. It then took anything up to 18 months for operating under the new structure to settle down and resolve all the problems it caused. I dread to think how much this all cost.
The process went something like: 1. New CE arrives 2. Massive change sh*tstorm because everything previous CE did was clearly obsolete/inefficient/unfit for purpose. 3. New CE departs for better paid job with a cv claiming competence in managing radical change. 4. The survivors survey the smoking ruins of what the departing CE left behind.
When I left, the structure in place had gone a complete circle and was largely the same as it was when I started there.
I've been in my job now sine 2004 and we're just coming out of the second reorganisation period now.
Funny how once all the bugs get ironed out we end up with much the same systems as we had in the first place only with new "dynamic and efficient" names for our old processes