OK, some of ours (not sure I've got photos of all of them)
My partner's 1951 Rudge Pathfinder (I bought it for me, but it's too small)
My 1980 Woodrup Giro. Very modern in styling (vertical dropouts etc). I changed it over from Campag Record, which was pretty, but not practical (and noisy, besides) to Shimano 600 Arabesque, which is just lovely
My 1971 Dawes Galaxy. It says it's a Super Galaxy, but I'm not sure they were produced that early, and some of the decals are replacements. Rides sweetly, and my top speed this year is on this machine, surprisingly.
My son's 1981 Carlton ?Corsa. Last year of proper Carltons, I believe, and one year younger than my Woodrup. I bought it already converted to fixed, as it was so like the bike that got me hooked on cycling back in the 80s, right down to that wrapround seatstay. It was my bike, but I gave it to my son, and, though it's twice his age, he always wants to ride this one.
It deserves two pics
I don't seem to have a good photo of my son's 80s Galaxy, but here's a detail: