My genesis is almost ready
Very nice, but boy are your legs long!!
My genesis is almost ready
My revamped Basso Viper.I recently dismantled my Gios so put the Time forks from that on to the Basso along with the Campag seat post.Then an online bikestore in Preston had a deal on some DA 9000 shifters......well then I had to get the Ultegra 11 speed mechs and brakes didn`t I?Along with an 11-28 cassette.I`m 50 this year so its with an eye on my advancing years that I`ve decided to treat myself to an extra sprocket you see
So then what? A new wheel to take an 11 speed cassette.
I wanted a new Hope RS Mono rear wheel in gold to go with my Pro 3 hubbed front wheel...but Hope have stopped anodising in gold
so went for a full pair in blue hubs with black DT Swiss on black Open Pro built by Jamie at Cycle World in Halifax
Handle bar and stem are Easton EA70, Chris King headset and DA 7700 cranks all topped off with my 20 year old Rolls.I took it for a little spin last week and the carbon forks have transformed an already great bike.
Front mech needed a bit of a tweak but other than that....Ladies and Gents, my new Bike Number 1.
Here's my 1990's Peugeot Sandshark MTB, which I use for hard pack trails, light off-roading & tow-paths etc. Took this photo on my ride this afternoon.
The top half of the seat tube was sprayed black by the previous owner either to keep some rust at bay or as a theft deterrent. I've owned it for the last 6 months or so and love it.
My friend Carlton 88 is correct.
This is my bike, and the bars are one of the various similar shapes called North Road bars.
I never could cope well with the full-on drop bars, but the Carlton looked very wrong with a modern flat bar, and so I did some research ...
They look well on a classical English frame, are comfortable and give superb control, though a slightly higher rider stance than drops as a rule. Good for older cyclists like me, and yet they are quite narrow and you can crouch down for a low wind resistance. I have the gears on the down-tube and the brakes fall to the hands very nicely, and allow for all the stopping power you could want on old style callipers, compared to riding on the hoods!
I like them. Not everyone would though ...
ATBfrom George