Show us your scars (not you Catherine!) Maybe not for the squemish!!!

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Joe24 said:
(might of been racing a car)

Hate to be a complete pedant Joe, but it's "I might have been racing a car."

The only reason I raise it, is because it will look better in your essays if you have the correct words (don't use might of, would of, should of, etc.) and it's generally an indicator that you have picked it up from the verbal abbreviation of have to 'ave which becomes "of". Should've and would've is okay (I think) possibly even might've (no doubt someone will correct me if wrong). Interestingly this use of 'of' in the written word is widely found in partially deaf people and those who don't do a great deal of reading. I was guilty of both when young but changed when I was told I did this. :biggrin:


Smutmaster General
I'd show you my scar, but I don't think you'd want a faceful of my pubes on a Monday morning! :biggrin:


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
You're gonna need a bigger trike.

Auntie Helen said:
This is my injury, not bike-related but is the reason I now ride a trike rather than a bike.

Definitely not for the squeamish either!


Blimey Helen. A shark attack made you ride a trike?


Lover of things that come in 3's
Joe24 said:
Heres mine, pretty much nothing compared to some on here. It didnt hurt though.

I sprinted off from some lights(might of been racing a car) and my shoe unclipped from the pedal, i was doing about 25mph at the time, and slide on my arse/my arm doing that speed.
My sleeves were rolled up, and thats the only cuts i got:becool:
I did carry on riding to see my GF aswell, then rode back:laugh: Didnt slow me down much

once you start shaving you'll get worse than that on your face


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
OOoh. They can be nasty. I knew an Orthopaedic Surgeon once. Had lifeless eyes; black eyes; like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be living...

Actually, mine was a Consultant Neurosurgeon. Left a very tidy mark just above the base of my spine. I'd show you, but its behind me now :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Fnaar said:
I'd show you my scar, but I don't think you'd want a faceful of my pubes on a Monday morning! :biggrin:

It's now nearly ten past one in the afternoon , I think we are ready for almost anything you've got for us.



Smutmaster General
My office has a glass door... not sure it'd be best to whip my trousers down and be seen taking a photo of my nethers :biggrin:

(thinks if excuse.."er...I frequent this forum, you see, and we're showing each other pics of our scars, so i was just going to upload it...etc"


Crikes the wonders of modern surgery. I had major surgery on my shoulder last year and all I have is three small scars like this. Thank goodness for key hole surgery.


Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
Rigid Raider said:
What IS that Auntie Helen?

A leg? An arm? A finger? Stalactite? Cow's tongue? Vegetable?
I see the resemblance to a stalactite but it's actually an arm including elbow (the bones are all now replaced with titanium so the shape's a bit random)
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