Two pieces of actual progress to report *cue fanfare*
On my ride today (newly worked out loop around my local, semi-rural paradise) I tackled a hill which I haven't attempted since I first got back into cycling last year. Back then I was bloody hopeless - to use technical jargon - and ended up walking part of it. Self confidence not being my strong suit (no, really) I approached it with trepidation this morning, but, I have to say, I breezed it. Middle ring, mostly in the saddle, job done.
Secondly, today's jaunt took me over 2,000 miles for the year. This wasn't a goal I had set myself, and I was a bit surprised to see it approaching when idly perusing my stats the other day, but there it is. 18 months ago if you'd told me I'd be putting that mileage in (or should that be kilometerage?) I would have scornfully laughed in your general direction. Compared to some, whose dedication I have utmost admiration for, it pales. But it's my 2K. Blimey.
For the record then:
(NB my Strava only has selected rides pre-October. I record every ride on a competitor service and it is there where my 3,222km is recorded)