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North Carolina
Don't you have the Blue Ridge Mountains where you are?
I am about a 3 hour drive from them....thankfully. :smile:


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Duly did the Giro group ride from the Giro cycle cafe in Esher
49.2 miles at 15.1 mph with 2552 feet of climbing
Managed to keep up, there were a few mechanical problems
Went to Box Hilly opposite way to the usual, and Ran more common, which was a tough climb

Nice one!

I wish I had 1/10th your commitment; I really do.

I question my lack of 'driven-ness' these days - I used to be very much full-on when I was younger but it seems to have evaporated as time has passed.

I don't mean this to sound gloomy - I have a lovely life and am grateful - it's just that I lack some motivation for certain things.
Duly did the Giro group ride from the Giro cycle cafe in Esher
49.2 miles at 15.1 mph with 2552 feet of climbing
Managed to keep up, there were a few mechanical problems
Went to Box Hill opposite way to the usual, and Ranmore common, which was a tough climb
Missed about 2.5 miles off when forgot to restart Garmin

Here is the Ranmore Climb average only 4% but maximum about 14%
You get to the steep bit when already knackered

Also managed to lose 2.5 miles so the ride was a half century
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Well I completed the St Crispin's Day Night Ride and great fun it was too. I was pleased to find that despite my advanced years (61) I was far from being the slowest or least fit on the ride :smile:

My initial thought was at least I would get back before the bloke on the ElliptiGo but he passed me going up to the Royal Albert Hall and I never saw him again, so I had to console myself by getting in before the Brompton riders. The part of the ride around Central London was educational, so many people still about in the wee smalls and all as drunk as lords as far as I could tell. Riding through the Thames Valley later on was great, no traffic, no wind, warm enough for a base layer and long sleeve top.

Learning point - my Garmin is a smart arse, the route had a couple of up and back sections on the same road to get to feeding points, The Garmin seemed to get it in too its head that <E L Wisty voice> "You don't want to do that it's a waste of effort' </E L Wisty voice>and just ignored them. Nearly missed the hot food stop at 65 miles.

So this months Grand Fondo completed and this year's 4000 mile target completed two months early.
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