It was amazing ride, had fun moments had struggle moments and few near misses
The girl by my side had a serious crash when a horse tackled her out of the bike, i was almost hit by horse too but managed to dodge in last second we all finished it anyway. Had a pleasure to meet many ppl, almost everyone but one guy was nice and we all been happy that we are here.
This guy im talking about laughed me and other bloke off when i pulled over to check if the other bloke is ok, apparently his rear derallieur broke, ive got pissed off and managed to catch him and took him over fark you unnamed retard you got beaten by a guy on shittie basic bike
Last 10 miles ive had a little crash with other bloke, we been chatting and out of nowhere high angled turn appeared, i shot trough junction straight cuz was too high speed and he hit my rear wheel and fell off, my fault 100% after making sure he is quite ok (i hope he made it after all) i went off.
After all those adventures made a time around 4:20 which is by far a nice time, wanted to do it under 5 hours and made it!
Got a little bronze medal and finishers shirt at the finish line ive done the standard red 52 miler