I thought I'd post up a ride, my first since joining the forum. Don't know if I qualify as a gen-yoo-wine newbie but, I have to say, I always feel like I'm learning.
This was this morning's jaunt.
Before you ask, that lump in the middle is not Uluru and yes, that's my real name.
Ironique, non?
Was it windy? Yes. Was it raining? Yes. Did I skid out on a patch of wet leaves and end up with road rash on my hip and a grazed elbow? Oh, yes. Hey ho.
Footnote: I'm new to Strava, having recorded my rides thus far with on my moby, so what you see are a selection of uploaded tcx files from RWGPS. If anyone cares to follow me, be my guest, although my repertoire isn't particularly exciting.