My average speed was 8.6mph so knocking off 6mph with a headwind leaves me travelling at 2.6mph. how do I spin my way out of that then ? And where do I get my sense of achievement from doing this ?
My point being that all this spreadsheet twaddle justs de-motivates me and leads me to think I'll never be as good at cycling as you are. I thought the point of this thread was, and I quote the OP.... for us complete noobs to have a thread where we can be brutally honest about our pitiful distances and average speeds and support each other to get fitter.
I'm not gonna read this thread any more, tried to read it for the past few weeks but it just seems to have lost it's point totally. More like studying for a BSc in accountancy than reading about newbies progress. Oh, and spreadsheets are reeeeeeeeeeeally boring.
Crikey - chill out; life's too short.
This is actually a really good thread and if you stick with it it's great as a) you get to 'know' people in the same boat as you, b) it can give you a lift when you are feeling off the pace and c) it is really, really friendly.
As in all facets of life different people have different takes on things and this thread is like that - we have a common purpose but we all do it differently and we all talk about it differently.
Personally I like the stat's I also like the Strava links, the good news, the bad news (not that I really like to hear it but you know what I mean), all the little anecdotes, all the whinging and whining etc etc. It's a nice mix and balance.
It's also a non-prescriptive thread - it meanders a bit for sure and I find that really interesting.
Why don't you persist with the thread and see if you can add your 'take' to it?