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I have never checked my chain, don't have a tool, and done over 5000 miles

Am I doing something wrong?
You may end up wearing out your cassette and chainring faster than you could, nothing more. Cassettes and chainrings tend to cost a lot more than a new chain, and they can easily out last 2 or 3 chains of the chain is changed in time. Have a peep at Sheldon Brown's webpage regarding it!


Think I finally mastered clipples today, past few rides were okay with the seemingly traditional heel out to unclip but it required effort, a bit of force and concentration (and I couldn't brake at the same time!).

Tension was at its lowest, I had to unclip in anticipation all the time because I couldn't unclip quickly at all.

I was on the verge of going back to flats, I do like clippless though, so cue plenty of Google searches and on the single-track forum I found some people unclip heel inwards towards the bike so i set out on a short spin today and what do you know, unclipping is a breeze this way, foot just slides off the pedal, no effort.

Feeling much more confident now, I knew this had the potential to put me off, so it was either a fix it or back to flats situation. Can't believe how massive the difference is in ease.
@Steady I think we all develop our own way, with my left I sort of twist out and up a little works for me even when almost stationary.

@Stonechat are you still on the 9sp Bob or did you upgrade, I ran an 7/8sp up to 8,000+ miles but both did need changing, but I had planned the short lived 9sp upgrade anyway, as there is not much difference in price between a chain and cassette every 8,000 or a chain every 3,000 miles or so, though if you did get a third chain on the cassette then it would be cheaper. Much beyond this there is chance the teeth will wear to much and the chain starts to slip.
10sp it becomes a little more important especially on the higher group sets Ultegra & Dura-Ace and Uletgra cassette is £30+ and Dura-Ace over £100, as @SatNavSaysStraightOn says it also effects the chainring, back in 2012 I got a 28/38/48 chainset from spa thats was cheap but allowed my to play about with gears ratios blah blah .........., anyway I put this back on last Sept to try briefly, as I was getting the new one and wanted to see how the 38th worked, however the middle just kept slipping, and this I think took the brunt of those 8,000+ miles (my records are not that complete), my current middle looks like it has no wear at all (except being a bit mucky, which it got a cleaned yesterday)
As for a tool you don't need one (and some say they actually give a slightly over wear indication, as they push the rollers and pins further out), if you take an imperial ruler and measure twelve links under tension i.e. the bottom run of the chain as it is under tension from the RD and measure 12" if you measure pin to pin this should be 12" when new, if its less then 12 1/16th (50%) its ok 12 1/16th to 12 1/8 you need a new chain beyond 12 1/8th both chain and cassette are likely to be needed.
My middle ring the other week.
@Steady I think we all develop our own way, with my left I sort of twist out and up a little works for me even when almost stationary.

@Stonechat are you still on the 9sp Bob or did you upgrade, I ran an 7/8sp up to 8,000+ miles but both did need changing, but I had planned the short lived 9sp upgrade anyway, as there is not much difference in price between a chain and cassette every 8,000 or a chain every 3,000 miles or so, though if you did get a third chain on the cassette then it would be cheaper. Much beyond this there is chance the teeth will wear to much and the chain starts to slip.
10sp it becomes a little more important especially on the higher group sets Ultegra & Dura-Ace and Uletgra cassette is £30+ and Dura-Ace over £100, as @SatNavSaysStraightOn says it also effects the chainring, back in 2012 I got a 28/38/48 chainset from spa thats was cheap but allowed my to play about with gears ratios blah blah .........., anyway I put this back on last Sept to try briefly, as I was getting the new one and wanted to see how the 38th worked, however the middle just kept slipping, and this I think took the brunt of those 8,000+ miles (my records are not that complete), my current middle looks like it has no wear at all (except being a bit mucky, which it got a cleaned yesterday)
As for a tool you don't need one (and some say they actually give a slightly over wear indication, as they push the rollers and pins further out), if you take an imperial ruler and measure twelve links under tension i.e. the bottom run of the chain as it is under tension from the RD and measure 12" if you measure pin to pin this should be 12" when new, if its less then 12 1/16th (50%) its ok 12 1/16th to 12 1/8 you need a new chain beyond 12 1/8th both chain and cassette are likely to be needed.
My middle ring the other week.
View attachment 82573
Thanks for the info

I have not had remotely Near enough time to upgrade.

I am wimping out this morning, forecast heavy rain about 11.
Trying for a trainer session instead.
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68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
17.35 miles at 12.91 mph av' with 1477' ascent.

Cold, windy but rather enjoyable nonetheless - lots of horses out today; jittery buggers!

New route for me and I ventured into some steep hilly areas with very narrow, twisty & 'dirty' lanes - the ones that are strewn with fine gravel, mud and the middle 1' or so is grass. The land that time forgot. They don't half slow you down!

Stay safe all.


Careful with that axle Eugene
I recently changed the chain on my compact 9 speed at 4000 miles, and one the consequences has been much more consistent indexing of the rear mech. I should imagine that's to do with the fact that the new chain only bends in one plane!
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