Hi all,
Not been on here in a bit, cool to see how people are doing so well. I thought id give an up date to how things are going for me. well on the weight front gone from 100kg to 86 kg so very much happy with that and yesterday did a 71km ride at 25.1 km ave speed again very happy with that.
i am doing the Velothon Wales in June is anyone on here doing it too?
Question to peeps, with a new baby long ride are not easy to pull off so say if i only have an hour to ride which is best? A ride with a lot of hill climbing or a ride with sprint intervals in it.
Anyway keep up all the good work people hope to hit 100km this month
Not been on here in a bit, cool to see how people are doing so well. I thought id give an up date to how things are going for me. well on the weight front gone from 100kg to 86 kg so very much happy with that and yesterday did a 71km ride at 25.1 km ave speed again very happy with that.
i am doing the Velothon Wales in June is anyone on here doing it too?
Question to peeps, with a new baby long ride are not easy to pull off so say if i only have an hour to ride which is best? A ride with a lot of hill climbing or a ride with sprint intervals in it.
Anyway keep up all the good work people hope to hit 100km this month