That sounds great. You are sounding more positive as well. Sleep is good for healing.
I'm falling asleep around 8pm at the moment. Have to actually have an alarm to wake me for my 10pm medication! (If I don't, or I take it early, I wake in agony in the early hours of the morning, it's not one of the pain killers but one to control nerve pain).
With my step-father, once the grab rails had arrived, we have up waiting for the relevant people to come and fit them. Occupational health had marked the height they wanted them at, so I fitted them for him. It took 10 days less that way! Not something I can now do and sadly the places I need them simply can't take them! The walls are, well only partitions and won't be strong enough (places like our bathroom and shower). Plus getting any help like that when you fall into the working age bracket is proving a nightmare.
How are you holding up? I've seen toll all of this has taken on my husband. It's not good! I think me had only been out on his bike once since my disk ruptured back at the beginning of November.