Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
MR WD has now fixed my bike. He said I did not and had never had full use of all my gears. Probably the lowest and highest. He has now adjusted sprayed greased and tweaked my bike to within an inch of its life and he says it is now working perfectly. Not going out today as I have a headache that I couldn't get rid of yesterday after doing my shopping, so tomorrow I will be out again. Hopefully I will be able to see a big improvement, not only on the bike but of myself and my pedalling abilities.


Well-Known Member
Making the most of the early evening sunshine. As soon as my son got home from school, a quick tyre pressure check and we were out the door.At about 3 miles into the ride my son had a slight mishap on some road debris and he was off. Unfortunately his manhood took the impact on his cross bar. He was not very happy especially when he realised he had scrapped the brake hoods and his bar tape was shredded on his brand new Triban 5. Having assured him the damage was superficial and could easy be repaired we continued on our ride. By the time we had returned home we had completed 16 miles bringing our running total this year to 318. All being well we have another 30 mile ride planned for this Sunday. Lets hope the weather stays good. Happy cycling everyone.:highfive:
Quick spin this evening as decided not to wait for the lighter evenings to get out more during the week. Garmin battery was dead so back to logging it this way!:rolleyes:
I always leave it connected to the comp, which is usually on so it charged all the time.
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