Mo1959 Congrats on the new steed. She has a cross modern and old school charm about her. Like the fact you bought it to avoid taking the others out when the weather is poor, but you didn't want to christen it in the wet!
Triban5riderGD Didn't realise you were doing the L2B route outside of the BHF event. I'm sure it will be a very nice ride, the route was spot on when I did it, there were just a few bottlenecks for various reasons that caused 30 minute standoffs. Also the Beacon was chaos! Not saying it wasn't fun still, had a blast with some great company, but Im sure when you do it, it will be far more peaceful!
Wonderful weather down here today, perhaps the best of the year. Stil haven't got out though because Ive done an early shift today and it wiped me out.
Have also bought some slime for my tubes; Ive sat here looking at it not quite daring to start the procedure as I have a feeling it may get quite messy, and Im pretty sure I may need to be more awake than I currently am!
After my No Excuses nightmare, it was suggested to me to perhaps get a second set of round things and keep them for when I do little events, I can use my (now) odd coloured round things I currently have on my bike as my day to day wheels.. Perhaps its just the idea of spending money I quite like, but this appeals to me. Just got to figure out what I should get.
Currently have RS10 wheels, anyone have any suggestion for equal priced but better wheels? I will probably get another 105 cassette, and I need to find some half decent tyres. I quite liked my Michelin Service Course Pro4 tyres, but I dont think I got my moneys worth out of them (2,000 miles?) considering they were £50 each.
Ive heard a lot about Continental Gators but Ive heard they are terribly slippy in the wet.
Any suggestions to the above welcome.
Happy riding all.