Having turned down an offer to visit the land that time forgot, otherwise known as Stoke City FC
Excuse me?! Hopefully your team fancy it as much as you did!
Having turned down an offer to visit the land that time forgot, otherwise known as Stoke City FC
No secret @Mo1959, its just a case of making the most of days when it isn't actually lashing down with rain!!Some great rides getting logged today. Well done guys.What's your secret? I can't seem to even get past 20 miles at the moment. Lol.
Oops, that's what the scfc stands for in your name then!Excuse me?! Hopefully your team fancy it as much as you did!
Oops, that's what the scfc stands for in your name then!We never do well there so I thought I'd save my self the pain.
alongside the incinerator... great view.. only thing worse is crewe railway station...And let's be honest, sitting in an industrial estate on the top of a windy hill isn't much fun!
Well done,Just got in a 60.7 mile ride from home (Ealing, West London) through Windsor Great Park, to the castle and back. Averaged 15.4mph (would have been more if it wasn't for the traffic lights - same for all my rides given where I live. If I'd known that 100k was just over 62 miles I would have done a couple of loops around the local rides to get it up that high, but alas, I didn't know. Ah well, that will have to wait for next weekend.
Here you go: http://www.strava.com/activities/116993951
First ever proper big ride and it feels greatFrom not really doing any sport for years to doing this within just a few weeks of starting cycling has got me brimming with self-confidence at the moment!
Well done,
Just down the road from me too!
Ha, snapWe have the same bike too!
Yeah I'm doing it for the second year, signed up for 80 miles but will see how the weather is, might chicken out and do the 40!
One things for sure after a week of no exercise at all due to work commitments I'll be taking it nice and steady!
Enjoy the ride and if you see anyone huffing and puffing up the slightest incline it's probably me....say hello!