- Location
- North Carolina
It was a pretty nice day here today so I went back out the same route I did yesterday except this time I turned around so I could come back up one of the steeper hills in my immediate area. I kept going on the loop yesterday rather than turn around and come back for the hill. It isn't that long of a hill but it has a pretty steep grade at one point and it slows you down enough before you get to the steep grade to make it difficult for me. I made it up it but it was slow and on the lowest gears. I was huffing and puffing at the top. Late this past summer I was climbing it all the way to the top out of the saddle, and pretty quickly (for me) it is going to take a little while before I get back to doing that.
I am seeing a couple of different 7 day weather forecast for here, both have some rain but one is about 10 degrees warmer than the other for several days. I sure hope it is the right one. It is still a little difficult to make myself go but I am glad I went when I get back home. I am still not quite ready to put on the road bikes new spring tires but it won't be long now. The Daytona 500 was today and that always gives me a good feeling that spring isn't far away. I just hope the polar vortex doesn't collapse and land in my front yard in the mean time.
I am seeing a couple of different 7 day weather forecast for here, both have some rain but one is about 10 degrees warmer than the other for several days. I sure hope it is the right one. It is still a little difficult to make myself go but I am glad I went when I get back home. I am still not quite ready to put on the road bikes new spring tires but it won't be long now. The Daytona 500 was today and that always gives me a good feeling that spring isn't far away. I just hope the polar vortex doesn't collapse and land in my front yard in the mean time.