The weather here has been crazy and I have been lazy, not a good combination.

I have put on some weight and if I don't get back out soon I may even start losing my leg strength. I know I have lost a lot of the aerobic fitness I had gained but my legs were never much of a problem after the initial pain and cramps. I am afraid I may have to go thru that again if I don't get off my lazy ass soon.
The weather has not been helping at all but there have been several days I could have gone out but didn't. That won't be the case today. It got very cool here with snow overnight. Looking at the temperatures the next few days it looks like the snow will be round a couple of days. I doubt if I will even go out of the house until Friday. The snow looks nice for a day or two then I like for it to go away, which it should. It is warming up for a few days then rain and cold weather again. It has really been a strange weather pattern here for the past couple of months. It has helped deter me from getting into and keeping a steady riding routine. At least that is what I will blame it on.

Just thought I would say hi and cry a little about being such a wimp.
Roll on Spring.