Bad decision to go out this morning. The roads were pretty icy but more of a rime to start with which wasn't too bad although had a few minor wobbles. However, it seemed to change after a while and there were sections of black ice that you could hardly see. Came onto a really bad section and bike just shot from under me and crashed heavily onto my right knee. Glad it was the mtb and not my roadie. Scrapes on right handle bar end, pedal and a wee scuff on the seat so not bad. Just after I came off there was a young woman at the side of the road waiting on her dad to pick her up as she had gone off the road with her car. I just walked the bike past the bit where she went off and could hardly keep my feet.
Back safely though and enjoying my porridge
Oh no, glad you're ok Mo. Hope the knee doesn't bruise and hurt too much this evening and tomorrow. Got any arnica to use?
Here at Chez Phoenix, I did the ironing, sorted the Christmas decs, including sorting out all the giftbags I appear to have been hoarding for some years, and culling the amount of decorations we have kept, trip to the tip, then decided to risk a short route.
Wasn't too bad out, but I'd had to wait til midday for it to get reasonable. Left hubby clearing space in the garage for the cycle maintenance stand, so thought I'd better not stay out too long as I didn't want him to think I was leaving him to do all the work. Got home, quick shower and change (and cheese butty) then two more trips to the tip for rubbish cleared out of the garage.
Time for a cuppa now
Hope everybody else has either been sensible staying in, or stayed safe on two wheels (or 4 wheels come to that).
Cheers for now