The weather here wasn't bad today and I got in a couple of breezy rides. Having been lazy the past month or so put some weight back on me and I could feel it today. I went on a couple of roads I haven't ridden on with the bike before and they were very nice, even though I was on my drop bar road bike and about a one or two mile section was gravel. Parts of the gravel section were as smooth as the paved ones, just had to be a little more careful. The new roads I did loop around and I was lucky I chose the direction around it that I did. There would have been quite a bit more steep climbing going the other way. With the breeze and me not being in great shape I was glad for any advantage I could get.
I have to work on my motivation a little. I noticed stevey mentioned not gaining back the hard fought lost weight. I did just that, I gained back about 12 pounds.

Time to turn that train around. Thankfully, the days are now getting longer .
I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.