I'm massively disappointed I took the word of the Met Office over what I could find out by sticking my head out the window and looking up. Was thinking about riding to one of the many town centres that make up Greater Manchester rather than Manchester city centre itself to avoid the abundance of Christmas shoppers there, but the Met Office told me that even if it was only light rain now, I'd have biblical downpours and horrible winds by the time I was heading home.
At the same time, by sticking my head outside I could tell them we didn't even have light rain. In fact, I was almost convinced the sun was obscured more by thick mist than doom clouds and we'd have a lovely morning, but I managed to talk myself out of riding ("If you didn't want to get blown under a truck last weekend, do you really want to risk it alongside the trams, hmm?") so made my way there by other means. Granted, my lovely morning never quite came to pass, but the wind and rain have only arrived in the last hour or two, so now I'm feeling rather gutted I missed out on the chance of a rather fun 10-15 mile jolly
I once went all the way from Manchester to Southampton on that road on a 100cc motorbike.
That's a bit of a ride on a 100cc bike. It's a bit of a ride on anything, to be fair. Had a friend move up this neck of the woods from that part of the world about a year ago and he didn't enjoy the length of the drive up much, and that was in a comfy van.
I got my bike the middle of last week to save money on the commute as public transport is simply extortionate now and it was taking me nearly two hours to get home. My route is 7.5 miles each way and takes me 45-50 minutes and I've only done it 3 times so far so really looking forward to when then time starts falling. I'm really pleased that monetary reasons made me start cycling but it's the enjoyment of cycling that is keeping me going and I'm definitely catching the bug!
Good to hear you're enjoying it! I got in to cycling this summer as "something to do", and am only now realising how much money it's actually saving me whenever I go somewhere I'd previously have used the bus or train. Having a rack and bags has also saved me loads on taxi's back from the shops, which means there's a few quid kicking about for a few bevvies or a bottle of wine every few trips. Or there would be if I didn't want this or that for the bike...
And as Nigel has said, don't write off cheap bikes too quickly. A friend of mine told me I'd not find a good bike for less than £400. I showed him the specs on my new bike and he couldn't work out how they offered so much for less than £300. If it's a solid frame, everything else can (and over time, will) be replaced or upgraded.