Out for a steady Sunday morning ride with 2 friends. however didn't go to plan.
After the cafe at the halfway point 1 friend started to struggle. He's not been out in a few weeks and spent a long day in London yesterday. we pulled over and he rang family to come fetch him. Set off to meet them but at the next junction my other friend turned first and slid off on a greasy patch of road. He couldn't move and struggling with pain in his leg, ankle and hand. At least 3 cars pulled up and offered support, luckily one being a district nurse and all got him wrapped up waiting for the ambulance and police (ambulance taking nearly 45mins to get there). Ended up about an hour in total til he was off in the ambulance, and they believe nothing was broken but needed an x-ray to confirm.. My other friend got picked up and took both bikes with hm and I rode the last 25 odd miles home.
Really has sent it home just how quick and unexpectedly things can go wrong. Wasn't even me who came off but knocked my confidence (which showed in the corners all the way home).
Now off to finally sort insurance etc for myself as been putting it off every time I think about getting it.