Hi everyone. Only started cycling at the tail end of August, and as the mileage and times I was achieving were so bad, I didn't want to tell anyone.
Still not very good, but have gone from only a couple of miles in around 45 minutes to 10.5 miles in approx 1.35 mins. Not very fast or far, but when I started I seriously didn't expect to last to be honest. I was gasping for air, my legs felt like rubber and I seriously thought I was going to die at one point.
I will continue to get out as often as I can over the winter period and hopefully next yeat I will see big improvements in both my times and distances.
don't worry about speeds and times to much (though it's nice to see how you progress) because they will improve, even go backwards sometimes, like I am doing
, but the main benefit overall is improved health and this is always an ongoing thing, anyway you will be a bit like @
Mo1959 with your hills so take head of what she says, very knowledgeable is Mo, and whilst she bemoans her speeds sometimes, you want to see what she can climb, and wait till the spring/summer and you see what MoTime is
BrianEvesham as @
RWright says some steep grades there, got a couple local approaching the grade but only very short and not very high in comparison