I have had a look at the specs of the bike on Halfords, from what it says the rear mech will only do a 26th rear, as you know the biggest difference between the two is the Grypon is a compact double as opposed to the triple on the Triban, the easiest option is to replace the rear mech with a M.T.B. one anything from an Acera up, (this is what I have fitted, the sora I have only does 26th), this will give you the option of going up to a 32 or 34th rear, something like 13-15-17-19-21-23-26-30, giving you a gear in of 29.81" (not sure the lowest on the triban but presuming its a 26th that would be 30.35"), the ratios arn't to bad so no big jumps between gears.
To replace the cassette you will need a chip whip £5.96 if resevered on the net, and a cassette tool (aldi have a resonable tool kit in at the moment, not the highest quality, but I still use the tools from mine from four years ago),
You will need a new chain too, as the one you have most probably wont be long enough, but dont hold me to that one.
If you want to know how to make up your own ratios let me know as the cogs from a 9 sp cassette will fit (there only being .02mm difference in width of the cogs, so this would give you greater ratio options).
And as Chris said 450 miles is no mean feat. Well done.
Thanks for all the help and advice Nigel - I was a little puzzled that I was struggling to climb when I tried his bike - I'd only had a couple of tries where he was struggling uphill and got off so I would jump off and ride his and show him how to do it. Then found it really difficult and handed it back at the top of the climb (I'm generous like that). Quite puzzled I borrowed it on Tuesday for a longer run -seemed to be even worse than I remembered it and that was on the flat - trying to check in heavy traffic if anything was wrong - gear was ok etc etc...Then onto a cyclepath that I'd previously crossed with this bike at 20-22mph - struggling to get 12-13mph - jumped off.....the wheel was sticking to the frame big time...DOH....it was like riding with anchors on. Cursing myself for not checking the obvious before.
Continued into town to local Halfords - as soon as I jumped off and dragged the back wheel stuck against the frame into the shop their mechanic was laughing - quick way to get fit being one of the comments. One wheel truing later rode away on a bike that was quick and able to climb hills with ease again - bike was like a different machine. Pleased with the service Halfords offered - quick hour in and out - noticed they've even pumped both tyres up (nice touch) then.....noticed the front wheel's quick release move....it hadn't been tightened.

Intend to be out this w/e so see if that's fixed the problem for son with climbing - if it has I'll then fit one of those giant tractor tyres on a rope to the back of his bike just to see if he notices

One footnote - looking for cheap rear light - Smart r1 or Blackburn Mars?
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