Just like @
Mo1959, @
Supersuperleeds and @
Jaco45er said it's 4.4 miles further than most ride, keep at it it will get better the more you ride, and don't feel you have to ride everyday, if you hurt a lot, let your body recover it may take a day or so, but it is just as important as the riding.
This is the very first ride I recorded using a gps enabled phone (not strava but endomondo)
This segment I created to try and show you something but it's not yet sowing all my rides.
So over to rwgps.
it's 8.1 miles last Aug i rode it in 41:28, today I did it in 32:47with a N.N.W headwind at 13mph (according to garmin though to be honest didn't feel like that)
Avg sp last year was 12.6mph, today it was 15.4mph ( I have done the same segment in 29:28 but with a tail wind avg that day was 16.5mph)
My very first ride 23/6/13 I did 8.5 miles @ 9.32mph with 400ft of elevation (as far as could make out) . today I rode 42.3miles @ 16.36mph with 1976ft of elevation, and set 14 p.b's
This being one of my favourites of the ride though there are others.
So really, as been mentioned many times in this thread and others on C.C. just keep at it, it comes but it will take some time.
I remember last year avg 11-12mph and seeing riders doing 15+mph avg's and think I will NEVER be able to do that, and even back in Feb I was still only managing 13.6mph, but gradually step by step it's gone up, and so far this month I am averaging 16mph (this is total distance/total time), but i have been here before this early in a month only to find my avg drop below 16mph, but one day I might manage it.