I did my first "big park" ride today. I used MapMyRide and apparently got to an average of 7mph. It was mainly flat. It did mention a speed of 10 though, so fairly proud of that. My gears are playing up, and I have to ride in 5 and 2...10th? I think that affects my speed and bit, or at least my stamina.
We did a shorter side later in the evening with a slightly slower average speed. total distance all day was 4miles. Not bad for a first proper ride :-)
I just read your other thread, speed will help reduce wobbling.
Gears how are they playing up.
Try not to think of gears as 1 to however many you have, there is overlap between choice of front and rear. I will try not to make this complex.
For example if your front ring is 38th and your rear is 19th this gives a ratio of one turn of the pedals to two rotations of the rear wheel. If you then use a smaller front ring say 26th and your rear is 13th this is the same ratio of 1:2, in practise you probably wouldn't do this.
The technical bit, to work out the ratios divide the number of teeth on the front by those on the rear, and this gives the ratio of how many times the rear wheel turn for each rotation of the pedals. if you have 26 on the front and 26 on the rear this is 1:1 and this is why small front + big rear is easier than big front + small rear.
Depending how many rings are on the front 1 on the selector will give you an easier gearing, getting harder as you go to 2 or 3, if in 1 on the front dont use the highest 2 numbers on the back, likewise if on 3 on the front (if there are three, which i think there will be) do not use the two lowest on the rear.
So small numbers are easier than larger numbers for any combinations of front and rear.
Hope this helps.
and well done for getting out riding, keep it up, you will find plenty of support in here.