Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I have a stand very similar to Brian's. I just wrap a small towel around the top tube and clamp it there. I am too lazy to remove and put back the saddle bag and pepper spray on the seat post every time I put the bike on the stand. I just don't press the brake lever.

Just saw max's comment, about removing heavy forks and such. Working on heavier bikes I do make sure things are very tight. On my drop bar bikes I don't have much trouble with things shifting.
Aldi's advertised at 30kg too but when I removed the fork and front wheel from my 15kg MTB, the clamp pried open from the twisting force of the unbalanced frame. Bike was clamped by the top tube just as yours in the pic.
Glad I went to Lidl then. :biggrin: :biggrin:

This is a beast of a bike but it still held it rock steady. It did just hold on the top tube but I wasn't happy so went for the seat post.




68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
There's nothing to stop a eg dustbin being placed under the front wheel to take the weight off the seat tube etc if the job in hand does not require the front wheel to be spun.


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