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Only pulling your leg, it's ok, I just find it a pain kitting it for wet weather, or rather the sun as it usually means taking everything off (not clothes before anyone pipes up) as it's usually wetter than dryer in this country.Sorry if I have insulted a few people about me calling my Viking Fixi a BSO, well of today she is no longer a BSO, her SPD pedals arrived and she will now be called a bumb number (until her Charge Spoon arrives), only managed a tad over 6 miles today as my backside was still hurting from yesterday so in my great (or not so) wisdom I decide to walk a half marathon, as this is a cycling forum I won't bore you of the 10 mile stop at a local watering hole, surffice to say 3 Magners in this hot weather does hinder ones progress
. Still tomorrows another day and what with being on the late shift I will get out on one of my bikes and do a few miles..
It's simply your body as got into rhythm to deliver blood to the muscles, the rest between intervals allows the blood cells to exchange co2 for o2 at a greater rate, so the next time you work hard there is more o2 but is delivered quicker as you are already working. If my understanding is corrected, though someone will put me right i am sure.I started something a different today since I just finished reading another cycling bookI thought I'd try to see how hard intervals can be by following one of the plans put in place by some famous coach
(never heard of him personally but my sport culture is pretty limited TBH) ... Well as I found out, they're not hard as I though, they are bloody painful
but ... enjoyable in a weird masochistic way.
Basically I did 15m in Z2 followed by 10m in Z3 with by 5 minute rest followed by 3 x 5m in Z4 with 5m rest between intervals. Since pedalling this hard tends to get too fast for dealing with traffic in a safe and responsible manner, I went for a small hill which I've done some time ago in 12:18 minutes.
Now this is where it gets interesting, 1st Z4 interval I managed to about half way through, 2nd I did it in 7:02 and the last interval was down to 6:20 and PR. To be honest I would have expected the performance to decrease as I got more and more tired after each interval but the opposite has happened which is very interesting to say the least. Second point was that I don't feel exhausted or hungry at all, if anything a bit more energised.
Will see how I feel tomorrow but I'm looking forward to trying some more of these.
Just in case you might be interesting, this is the book, very easy read in plain english, aimed at beginners. Covers bike training, nutrition, indoor training and weights.
I find I work best from about 10 miles on, by which time my body is functioning better, mind you a lot of runs end about that distance.
I am still a little sore from Saturday, which surprises me really, so apart from a run out to get new tubes yesterday I haven't been out, and the flats on Sunday.