Today's journey home took me over the 1500 mark
The 3000 target was set as a 'I probably couldn't do this, but let's set it anyway' and I am amazed with my athletic ability. I'm more or less Cadel Evans
Not sure how to gauge my progress but reading some of these posts makes me feel a bit more like the ride London 100 miles is achievable within 9 hours. Maybe.
Suddenly it feels very close and I've ramped up my training including a 25m round trip to work a couple of times a week, and it has some massive hills that I hope are getting me ready for Box and Leith.
The uphill 12 m journey to work takes me about an hour and 20 mins. The av speed is coming in about 8 to 9.
I rode with MapMyRide! Distance: 11.88mi, time: 01:22:09, pace: 6:55min/mi, speed: 8.67mi/h.
On less challenging roads I can average 12 or 13 mph.
But these figures suggest to me that the London 100 is going to be tough to do in 9h.
Have I left it too late? I'm feeling stronger every day but my "to work" average speed worries me.