Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
@SpokeyDokey Hope your ok after the fall, and gratsy on the 600 miles. Tell everyone it in KMs, it sounds more! (965.6kms!!) :biggrin:
Nooooooo............I don't do kms. I have to keep converting it back to miles. :laugh:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Had a little jaunt out with Mr @themosquitoking thru some deadly London streets. Didn't die, still have the bike and no one got seriously hurt, though there was a cry of shiiiiiiiit at one point!

Also, having done the London to Brighton on Sunday and going out full pelt yesterday on my Richmond Park course for 18 miles, having done another wee 18 miler today tells me the saddle post rearrangement has worked wonders for my recovery rate, something I've struggled with immensely.
Had a little jaunt out with Mr @themosquitoking thru some deadly London streets. Didn't die, still have the bike and no one got seriously hurt, though there was a cry of shiiiiiiiit at one point!

Also, having done the London to Brighton on Sunday and going out full pelt yesterday on my Richmond Park course for 18 miles, having done another wee 18 miler today tells me the saddle post rearrangement has worked wonders for my recovery rate, something I've struggled with immensely.

:hello: Like i said mate riding through London traffic is like wrestling a bear.


Legendary Member
Good evening everyone.

Nice to see some new Newbies on here - I do hope you stick around. :smile:

Did my first '25' today and pretty chuffed. 25.52 miles / 14.12 mph average. :highfive:

I planned a relatively flat course although the word flat is a bit of a misnomer here in The Lakes! Miles 12 - 17 undulated like the Loch Ness Monsters back!

Found it very easy tbh but I am determined not to overdo things and just keep racking up the miles - I have done over 600 this year which is not a lot compared to some of you mile-munchers but is 600 and a bit more than I would have done without a bike!

Came off (separate thread) 2 miles from home on what transpired to be a fuel spillage. Cest la vie. xx(

Take it easy folks.

I think you need to get a set of stabilisers. Hope you and the bike are okay


Legendary Member
My best girl friend said that too.

I wonder if my reflexes are disappearing with age! :laugh:

If you hit diesel, reflexes don't matter, it is pot luck if you stay up.


Über Member
Just been out and done the same 10 mile route I did when I started cyling, first time I did it with a 12.2mph ave speed, today exactly 775 miles later it was 16.1mph, its a flat route but still a big improvement.

My garmin wouldn't switch on so missed the first couple of miles but recorded most of it with my phone.

My average is creeping up and at the same time I'm looking for hillier routes, as soon as I can average 15.5mph on a regular basis on hilly (for Essex) routes I've promised myself a nice shiny carbon thing....


sutton coldfield
Hello All!

Having looked around various cycling forums this seemed by far the nicest and just want to introduce myself

I first bought my Trek Hybrid in April 2012 whilst I lived in the Big Smog to do my commute of 3 miles from Battersea to Whitehall. During this time I fell off twice breaking my wrist and then collarbone. I also was cycling past as the helicopter struck the tower in Vauxhall so quite happy to be alive as it could have gone in any direction.

Since Feb I changed job and moved to Stratford Upon Avon and since May have properly got back into my cycling fitness. I started slowly as I was 16 1/2 stone and did 5-8 cycles after work along flat ground. Since then I have been doing 10 mile hillier routes after work and last weekend I did 25 miles in just over 2 hours.Think I have lost about 1/2 stone since Early May but not exactly sure.

My aim is to be fit enough next summer to do the round London sportive. I have signed up for a 30 miler in a couple of Weeks near me and am doing the 55 mile MacRider in September.

Am currently doing 6 days a week exercise with 3 days cycling and 3 days running (sorry if I just swore). Also getting a proper bike fitting at the weekend as my hands go numb when cycling and plan to cycle to work (10 miles or so) from next week.

Need to invest in some winter kit of next few months as I don't want to stop when the bad weather comes. Will keep you posted.

Here is my typical 10 miler which includes the horrible Billesly Wall
Any my 25 miler at weekend

Will try to do 30 miles this weekend.

Looks a really good forum, hopefully see some great stories and Advice

:welcome: oliver to a great forum/members


Well-Known Member
Holbeach Lincs
Hi Tracy. Nice to have another lady rider. Sometimes I feel a bit outnumbered. Lol.

Just a thought if you are getting sore knees. Is your saddle high enough? A lot of new riders feel they have to have their saddle low so they can reach the ground when they are seated. Have you tried the usual tip of checking your leg is straight when your heel is on the pedal at the bottom of your stroke? It may mean you have to slide forward off the saddle when you come to a halt but it is so much kinder on the knees.

I do have my saddle as high as I can and def can't reach the floor lol well see what my bike fit on sat comes up with ;0)
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