Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
Holbeach Lincs
Thanks nigel I was managing about 12 mph on average but that was in higher gears but now trying to stay lower and get my cadence up so have slowed down a bit but will keep working on it Thanks for the support


Legendary Member
Hi all thought I had better introduce myself.

I have been riding for about 2 months now on a trek nico hybrid. I have lost half a stone on top of the 4 and half I lost before so 5 down and only have another 9-10 to go lol. I have managed to ride 24 miles in one go so far but now have less than a month before I do the 58 mile tame ride organised by the Peterborough cycle club im doing it in aid of the make a wish foundation. Scared much but determined to make it! Despite getting a selle italia saddle which is a vast improvement on the stock one im sure I wont be able to sit for a week lol getting a proper bike fit on sat as struggling with my knees but after some good advice and that hopefully will improve. Well thats me will keep you posted.
Hi Tracy. Nice to have another lady rider. Sometimes I feel a bit outnumbered. Lol.

Just a thought if you are getting sore knees. Is your saddle high enough? A lot of new riders feel they have to have their saddle low so they can reach the ground when they are seated. Have you tried the usual tip of checking your leg is straight when your heel is on the pedal at the bottom of your stroke? It may mean you have to slide forward off the saddle when you come to a halt but it is so much kinder on the knees.
Thanks nigel I was managing about 12 mph on average but that was in higher gears but now trying to stay lower and get my cadence up so have slowed down a bit but will keep working on it Thanks for the support
Higher cadence is about endurance, higher gear really about brute strength, again both will come, I know it's difficult in Lincs, but do try and find some short climbs and practise on these, these will increase your heart and lung performance, because you do have to work.
By working on a higher cadence you will also start to use higher gears, as your fitness and endurance increases, in other words you will be able to spin higher gears at the same rate, It takes a lot of practise to start spinning over 90rpm for any length of time, but it comes.
Referring to Mo's statement about saddle height this is only a start point, I did it and found it too high, not because of the height to the road, but because I was bouncing in the saddle over 95rpm, I lowered it quite a bit in real terms, and possible needs to come down a touch more.

@Mo1959 hows your back these days, I haven't seen you mention it in a while


Legendary Member
Higher cadence is about endurance, higher gear really about brute strength, again both will come, I know it's difficult in Lincs, but do try and find some short climbs and practise on these, these will increase your heart and lung performance, because you do have to work.
By working on a higher cadence you will also start to use higher gears, as your fitness and endurance increases, in other words you will be able to spin higher gears at the same rate, It takes a lot of practise to start spinning over 90rpm for any length of time, but it comes.
Referring to Mo's statement about saddle height this is only a start point, I did it and found it too high, not because of the height to the road, but because I was bouncing in the saddle over 95rpm, I lowered it quite a bit in real terms, and possible needs to come down a touch more.

@Mo1959 hows your back these days, I haven't seen you mention it in a while
Still nags away on a long ride or lot of climbing. Have a phone appointment with the doc on Friday to discuss results of X-ray. Can't see much showing up though. Think if its disc or soft tissue problems would really need MRI.


Do more.
Well, got my new bike, I'm taking it out for the first time tomorrow. For those of you I haven't mithered with it in the "Tea" thread, here are some pics....



68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Hi all thought I had better introduce myself.

I have been riding for about 2 months now on a trek nico hybrid. I have lost half a stone on top of the 4 and half I lost before so 5 down and only have another 9-10 to go lol. I have managed to ride 24 miles in one go so far but now have less than a month before I do the 58 mile tame ride organised by the Peterborough cycle club im doing it in aid of the make a wish foundation. Scared much but determined to make it! Despite getting a selle italia saddle which is a vast improvement on the stock one im sure I wont be able to sit for a week lol getting a proper bike fit on sat as struggling with my knees but after some good advice and that hopefully will improve. Well thats me will keep you posted.

Well done - great achievement so far.

Looking forward to your future updates!


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Well, got my new bike, I'm taking it out for the first time tomorrow. For those of you I haven't mithered with it in the "Tea" thread, here are some pics....

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Oooooh....that's rather nice.

Hope you hammer the living daylights out of the beast!


Do more.
Hi all thought I had better introduce myself.

I have been riding for about 2 months now on a trek nico hybrid. I have lost half a stone on top of the 4 and half I lost before so 5 down and only have another 9-10 to go lol. I have managed to ride 24 miles in one go so far but now have less than a month before I do the 58 mile tame ride organised by the Peterborough cycle club im doing it in aid of the make a wish foundation. Scared much but determined to make it! Despite getting a selle italia saddle which is a vast improvement on the stock one im sure I wont be able to sit for a week lol getting a proper bike fit on sat as struggling with my knees but after some good advice and that hopefully will improve. Well thats me will keep you posted.

Well played with the weight loss. That's pretty impressive!

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy.

(I usually call people dude, so I'm gonna go with dude-ette for the ladies!)

Enjoy, dude-ette :biggrin:


Über Member
I've not posted for a few days. Struggled to get out last week but my last few rides are showing progress. Tonight I rode 3 miles up hill into the Brecon Beacons and did 3 loops of the reservoir. I'm getting faster climbing and was much more comfortable riding above 14mph on the loops. I averaged 14.1 mph or the ride. Not long ago I was happy with a 13 mph average on a totally flat ride.

6 weeks to the London 100 and I'm really enjoying the training and am optimistic that the 9 hr limit shouldn't be a problem.

Sunday should be fun. I'm doing the British Heart Foundation South Wales Bike Ride. 46 miles around a hilly Gower course with heavy rain and 30+ wind gusts forecasts.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
@stevey if the stock pads aren't doing it for you after some weeks, get some Salmon Kool Stops, they work well for me and are very highly regarded in the road community!

@Goonerobes Great ride its awesome seeing progression, even better when you feel it (occasionally!), @Nigelnaturist I remember like me you were stuck around 13.5mph average for a long time, then you have kitted up a bit and your roasting that road now. 15.8mph average over your distance is really great.

@SpokeyDokey like @Nigelnaturist congrats on the great average, the right fit and shape on your bike will naturally lead to better performance, but you still have to put the effort in, so well done.

@MaxInc Must feel great coming down a few waist sizes! Still hasn't happened to me yet lol. On the subject of bargains I picked up a genuine leather Ted Baker manbag in the airport for £26 yesterday! OK this is getting weird, moving on...

@boybiker Well done getting on with the cycling anyways after a nasty accident, the more you do it the more you can put that to the back of your mind, no doubt commuting everyday will help. Obviously that is already well underway with 17mph+ average speeds you go there! Nice one.

@Tracey Robinson :welcome: Welcome to the site and The Best Thread On The Internet™. The 58 miles is quite a distance but so doable if you just spend time on the bike. There's no secret formula, just do it over and over. Soon your current distance will feel to short and you can edge it up. Keep doing this, get to so you could comfortably do 45 odd miles at will and it will be in the bag!

Re the knees this is super important. Like Mo said the first thing to do is to raise the saddle. When you sit on the saddle put one of the pedals to 6 oclock and (wearing your cycling shoes, whatever you normally wear) put your heel on the pedal.

If your leg is absolutely straight then its the perfect place for the saddle to start at. Tighten and when you pedal with the ball of your foot on the pedal, there should be a slight kink in the leg. Now just your legs will ache post ride, not your knees. Thing is the muscle in the leg that aches is supposed to ache post ride - the knee isn't!

I know this technique works because I did it myself this last week and it was a revelation to me and my post ride ability to bend down and get back up again without sounding like an unfit 70 year old!

Also, try getting the rides you do down somewhere. Be it from a smartphone app / dedicated device to sites like Strava (popular one) or Endomondo or MapMyRide. If you have neither, record them manually when you get home on a site like like quite a few here do. If you are pc averse, write it on good old fashioned paper!

Why would you do this? To see your own progress (which is all that matters, not comparisons to others) over time. It works as a great motivator, and when your smashing along at 15 mph you can think back to all those 10-12 mph days and let out an overly long evil laugh, like I do.

I picked up my bike from the LBS today after having one of these fitted and good lord! I went 18 miles without a creak from that BB30 shell for once! Should have done this months ago. Apparently the old BB30 - Shimano bearing adapter had seized inside the shell, was a bugger to get out apparently. Its now in a carrier bag of shame hanging on the door. It may end up in refuse..

Gave the ride a little more oomph than usual to really push the new component, and ended up getting 25 PR's on my favourite route. This is a route Ive done lots so the PRs actually do mean something to me. I set a target a couple of months ago to get round Richmond Park counter clockwise under 29 minutes, today I did it in 23 minutes 9 seconds, which was 1 minute and 40 seconds better than my previous PR!

Had a little incident where I started to feel aching in the knees, then noticed my saddle was down about 3 inches from what it had started! *Note to self - When picking up bike from LBS, check seatpost screw tightness!*

Finished with a PB average of 16.1 mph, although Garmin says 16.3, so Im going with that!
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