Great riding conditions here today but I needed to do some things around the house that I needed to get taken care of so I just got a ride in on my normal 16 mile track. I like doing it even if it is on a fast highway, it is my only riding area really close to me with much of a nice panoramic view. Not being able to see much past 300 yards or so because of all the trees gets old after a while.

I see some of the pictures y'all post and go wow, that would be nice.

I like the big sky.
I had a great ride for me. I have done this route a lot and could never seem to get good speed out of it, there is nothing really difficult about it and traffic lights only slow me down at the return point. Wind can make it tough but today there was none to speak of. I got a PR on it today, I blistered it. One second short of 8 minutes quicker than any of my rides since I started using Strava this past December.
I know to you young fast whipper snappers it isn't that impressive but to me there is a lot more to the numbers today.
This past Monday my Cardiologist took me off an alpha blocker and a beta blocker, because my fitness is improving. For those of you that don't know what they are that is cool, just keep riding your bike and eating right and hopefully you never will need to know.
The numbers that I was happy with besides the time and speed are the cadence, yes, it is only 80 but that is good for me and I was trying to keep my cadence up today. I may could have been even faster time wise if I had been grinding more but speed was really not the objective today. The most impressive numbers to me today were my heart rate numbers. I was able to finally get them up and keep them up there for a while (and my head or chest didn't even explode

). It may not have been the smartest thing in the world to try after only a week off the old medications but I felt great and it wasn't very hot and I was well hydrated, so I went for it. I still have a ways to go with my conditioning and cycling but this was progress to me today, it took a lot of time and effort to get this far but I feel like I am on the way now.