Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Weighed mine at just over a Kg so yea about 10%

I'd like to see those pro boys doing the cycling thing with my saddle bags on their bike, i reckon it would double the weight of their bikes.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Just started riding regularly the last month or so. Been doing 4-5 miles so far at average speeds of between 10 and 11mph. The last ride I did was 10.75 miles with a time of 59:52 and an average speed of 10.8mph. I'm only riding on a cheap £100 (when I bought it grrr) mountain bike from Halfords to gain some fitness but I do enjoy it. I've got my eye on some different tyres I want to change from the stock ones which I think might make my speeds/times a little better, cos let's face it, even though I'm riding primarily for fun and fitness it would be nice to see some improvements. I ride mainly on the road (I think I bought the wrong bike?) and I think the new tyres would be more suitable.

It's my dream that one day I will own a proper road bike which I'm hoping will help me go further, faster... ^_^

Well done, keep putting the miles in and the rest will follow.

Enjoy the gig, I am off to see them Saturday and I must admit feel like a teenager again....just a tad excited!

Enjoy, it was superb. Watch out for the exit, its a disaster waiting to happen. (1 exit, narrows like a funnel, with 40k drunk people trying to get out) felt very dangerous. Gig was amazing though, 20 years in the waiting and was worth it!


Legendary Member
Legs felt tired and heavy so decided the run up to St Fillans was about the flattest I could think of. Intended just to turn around and come back but when I got to the foot of Loch Earn it was looking amazing in the morning sun and it would almost have been criminal not to keep going and go right round the loch. It's just such a shame that the little road on the south side is so incredibly rough and potholed. The bike takes a real hammering and so glad I have the Durano Plus tyres on. Last time I circled the loch I went clockwise so went the other way this time. Got a couple of QOM due to the fact that I have been the only female to have done them :laugh: Mind you, I didn't even know they were there anyway.

Actually met a few other cyclists this morning. It's definitely getting more popular. :smile:


Senior Member
I think I might have bitten a little bit more that I could handle. Decided to try the intermediates group today. With so much excitement for a ride out, I have forgotten to eat breakfast and I felt it right in the middle of the run when I was just out of energy. Need to work on this aspect more carefully if I shall attempt such challenges in the future.

Started all right but then the hills ... they were just too many and too steep. Some cat 3s and cat 4s according to Strava. I had to walk 3 of them :sad: Not much average speed but with trip to LBS and back home I've ridden 3.5h in 78km with about 1,000m of climb (some of it walked :smile:. Severely out of shape, even walking uphill got my heart beating at 165+bpm. According to the iPhone I burned some 3,100kcal and got my first Tough Suffer Score. Felling really exhausted but proud somehow that I didn't abandoned midway as I was highly inclined to. I feel like I need a couple weeks of rest now :surrender:

SPDs were great. Ride members were amazingly supportive and helpful, hope I didn't held them back too much. Time to watch F1 now. Have a great weekend everyone!


HI all,
been back cycling 3 weeks now. I have cycled in total so far 100km with longest ride of 25km. I am trying to commute to work 3 times a weeks( biggest pain is the storing of clothes to have in work so i can get changed loL). With my rides getting over 25km wanted to ask the group a question on how much water do you take on rides and is a often and small amount or one or 2 stops and large intake of water ?.

Loving the sun and cycling hope to ride like this with increasing the distance for next 7 or 8 weeks then look at getting a roadie he he ^_^

P.S great post almost read it all !!!!

Great work!

I always have a bottle of water just in case I feel thirsty - better to be safe than sorry I think

Remember to post a pic of the bike


So badly hungover, thinking of going out on the bike...but walking up stairs is a challenge so probably not going to happen until this evening


I don't drink lots often, but last night for some reason we ended up drinking quite a lot. Plan for the rest of the day:
watch the cricket w. plenty of squash
put dinner on
watch f1 w. more squash
go out for a spin.

@RWright I take loads even when not hanging, I find myself getting really thirsty post hour 2

@Nigelnaturist I know, I should probably give it up as then there will be less of me and days like today make me contemplate abstaining from alcohol
I don't drink lots often, but last night for some reason we ended up drinking quite a lot. Plan for the rest of the day:
watch the cricket w. plenty of squash
put dinner on
watch f1 w. more squash
go out for a spin.

@RWright I take loads even when not hanging, I find myself getting really thirsty post hour 2

@Nigelnaturist I know, I should probably give it up as then there will be less of me and days like today make me contemplate abstaining from alcohol
I have no choice, if I drink, I become dependent on it, I can stop and leave it (though that is difficult when you are drinking)


HI all,
been back cycling 3 weeks now. I have cycled in total so far 100km with longest ride of 25km. I am trying to commute to work 3 times a weeks( biggest pain is the storing of clothes to have in work so i can get changed loL). With my rides getting over 25km wanted to ask the group a question on how much water do you take on rides and is a often and small amount or one or 2 stops and large intake of water ?.

Loving the sun and cycling hope to ride like this with increasing the distance for next 7 or 8 weeks then look at getting a roadie he he ^_^

P.S great post almost read it all !!!!

I drink loads (of water!!) Ussually a pint before leaving, an extra slurp once I've warmed up then sip every 10-20mins dependinmg on the temprature (and hills!). I used to stop everytime to have a drink (less often than 20mins) . I thought it would be difficult/unstable drinking on the move, but once I got the confidence it turned out as easy. It probobly varies from person to person, but the general rule for best performance is little sips every 15mins or so. If your feeling thirsty, your already dehydrated and loosing performance ;)
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