18.96 miles.
1207' elevation gain - 66.63' / mile. Inc' 1.22 miles with 393' elevation gain which was, for me, *loody steep and long.
13.1 mph av'.
Since I got my little Edge 200 (super piece of kit) around early August I have been concentrating on hills or, more precisely, elevation gain. Whilst my av' speed has dropped a fair chunk I am feeling a fair bit stronger on my rides. I think I'll continue to focus on the hills for a while and then have a go at what passes for a flat route around here and see how fast (relatively speaking) that I am.
Today's incidents:
...whilst chugging up a twisty gritty hill of the narrow lane variety, two idiots on MTB's came hurtling down around a blind bend and both skidded like crazy and narrowly avoided me and/or coming off. Total numpties.
...two Welsh Border Collies casually strolled across a lane letting me know that they had absolute right of way! I had to stop to let them finish their crossing.
...did 0.72 miles of rough track that was continuously uphill, although not too steep, that had not one, not two but five gates that I had to dismount/open/close/mount which destroyed any notion of rhythm.
Stay safe out there everyone.