@SpokeyDokey any mileage is an achievement (especially where you and
@Mo1959 and
@welsh dragon) and others are, likewise when I say the distances I do and I don't ride coleuses distances as a rule 30-40 miles (I know this may seem far to some of the newbies joining the group but its not really), sort of 2-2 1/2 hours, the thing about cycling it can be enjoyed in many ways, the point is to do it regularly and as often as possible, this is what improves your fitness so that if shove comes to push you know you can achieve a given goal, my case the O.H. sometimes sends me out on errands (in some really ****ty weather sometime), this can include a ride of up 40 miles and it doesn't really matter how I feel I can do it (not to mention it saves her a gallon and a bit in the car, what ever the cost is these days, she seems to forget that one

@Stonechat & I both seem to love stats and both seem to be working in the same direction with our cycling (working on a higher cadence) the H.R. thing is usefully because if you are wanting to lose weight cycling you need to exercise at a lower H.R. as this burns more fat, we all now when we are working hard or spinning fast, but sometimes its difficult to be sure, because as you may have seen from some segments yesterday I was spinning in excise of 100 but it didn't feel like that and like wise with the HR I can do 170+ and it doesn't feel that bad ( yea ok its hurting but not to the point I feel like I am dying if you get my drift)
This is a table showing HR and Fat/Cal % and shows how the lower HR burns more fat, so those of you thinking that working hard on a bike is the way to lose weight its wrong.
Hope it's clear enough, although the figures may not be 100% (it is after all only a cheap gps unit) it should be consistent from ride to ride with some degree of accuracy
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