Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Right now managing to do at the most 7 miles without serious tush pain. But my speed is only around 5-10 MPH. Is this really slow even for a newbie?

It doesn't matter what your speed is or how far your going. Just concentrate on enjoying yourself. When your tired, or your bum has had enough stop and go home. It's msupposed to be fun, not torture. Dont worry, you'll soon realise your bum doesnt hurt anymore, and you'll be able to go a bit further. Then just increase your mileage and time gradually. Enjoy.


@Jordon Brooker when I started last year I was averaging 7 - 8 mph over 5 miles. Don't focus on what you think you should be averaging. The more miles you do and the more time you have in the saddle will improve all of your stats.
@moo raises a good point that I still have not learned! Listen to your body, if it says stop. Stop. If I had done that in December I would not have missed the first 3 months of the year with a damaged knee.
My body never says that, maybe not working hard enough, though I think last nights ride took it out of me, worked @ 80% of max HR which is 5% higher than my norm, though I did get a p.b. which unusual near home.


@Nigelnaturist I should have put "if" in capitals. I have hit the wall of my legs telling me to stop a few times, although they were the times I set a new personal record distance wise. On the 72 the other day, I got home and couldn't muster the energy to get my keys out of my pocket to open the door so I sat in the front garden. And as mentioned above, when I hurt my knee it just popped really loudly and painfully so I carried on and did another 20 odd miles, you know like normal people do. And those 20 miles took me further away from my house!


I think Strava have messed that challenge up, I went out for just over an hour and it says I've completed 269% :wacko:

Same here, well not 200% but still well over 100% I wanted to complete that challenge correctly but the rain botched up my weekend and I only put in an hour today so it's like a slap in the face to say I completed it when I know I haven't!

Despite the challenge stressing time, the 'completion' mileage is 9.8 miles. At least 20-30-40 miles might have been a realistic 'completed mileage' over four hours.
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@Nigelnaturist I should have put "if" in capitals. I have hit the wall of my legs telling me to stop a few times, although they were the times I set a new personal record distance wise. On the 72 the other day, I got home and couldn't muster the energy to get my keys out of my pocket to open the door so I sat in the front garden. And as mentioned above, when I hurt my knee it just popped really loudly and painfully so I carried on and did another 20 odd miles, you know like normal people do. And those 20 miles took me further away from my house!
When we push ourselves we improve, we are all different and physical injury's can cause problems, when i started i suffered with pain in my right knee area, time has improved it but my right thigh always aches more than my left whilst working. I was just saying in my case I very rarely get to the point my body wants to stop because it hurts, though fatigue after 50 miles starts to play a part.

having said that some climbs do hurt.
When we push ourselves we improve, we are all different and physical injury's can cause problems, when i started i suffered with pain in my right knee area, time has improved it but my right thigh always aches more than my left whilst working. I was just saying in my case I very rarely get to the point my body wants to stop because it hurts, though fatigue after 50 miles starts to play a part.

having said that some climbs do hurt.
Yes Combe lane recently hurt. I have been getting some stiffness too after longer rides.
Recently put saddle up a little. Seems about right now.
Even wondering about changing stem angle down a little! (The Felt has adjustable angle stem)

However I do know that it is within my physical capability to ride a little harder, but don't manage to do so.
In looking at my rides since I have had this bike, which is about the time I got the HR strap, my heart rate has gone down, to me that means
  1. I am fitter
  2. I am not riding up to the level I could
I know you could say what does it matter, just enjoy the riding!
If I had time I would do some more longer rides - convinced my endurance has not been tested,


So, as mentioned recently, I completed my longest ride the other day. I normally have a rest day afterwards but didn't really have time for one this time as I was in work the next night. The result? Only done 4 commutes (which I have pushed myself) and this one I have just done hurt! Quads, calves, feet, back, neck all aching. Taxi to work for me tonight and back to it tomorrow, but not at full pelt. Have a run of 8 night shifts coming up so will need to be fresh for that.
Happy riding today folks.
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