I have definitely improved yet still pitiful xD!
My 1st ride 2 months ago as from my house to the local
halfords (less than 1.5 miles) and by the time I got there my legs were jelly.. its disgraceful how unfit I really am! 23 yesrs old, only 76kg (fast metabolism) but very unhealthy..
2 months later after doing a 6.3 mile (each way) commute to work and home my legs are notably stronger but still ache on the route as I always push myself... my average speeds are around 17mph.
My best average speed over the 6.3 miles has been 19mph to date.
Took a ride to help my aunt at her pub which was 11 miles.. detoured home from there and increased it to 15 miles on route back.
Only a few days ago I met a punter and now friend from my pub and we just made up a route as we cycled using my smartphones navigation. Ended up covering 45 miles and averaged 15.9mph in 2 hours and 53 mins

personally I felt like I had achieved something and I felt spectacular! Especially when comparing to my 1st ever journey to work (which took me over 45 mins, 3 breaks and finished a 1L bottle of water)!
As I am improving I feel like I have more to prove to myself most importantly, and its motivated me to continue trying to get better. I currently ride a GiantFCR3 (given to me from a cousin), and I am already looking at my 1st real road bike(Boardman Road Team Carbon).
The thing that ironically makes me happiest is that I only started riding by chance, I have been riding motorbikes for 5 years and crashed in april (still off the road), I was complaining about busses and needing a pushbike and my cousin happened to have an unused fcr sitting in his garage.
I am planning to get my motorbike (Ninja600J1) back on the road but am most definitely going to be cycling as a main mode of transport.
My biggest motivation is that I have finally foubd something that I enjoy which keeps me fit and healthy! I have never had the physique (slim) to have the confdence to train in a public gym and I look alot better cycling than I do in a gym^^!
Im hoping the next few months and hopefully years will have alot of improvement in store for me!
Thanks for reading guys *Ride Safe*!