Hey guys, have been quiet for a few days dealing with stuff. Good to see everyone making progress and making use of the weather!
I also have some progress. Yesterday I completed my first 100KM!

Which makes it 4 out of 3 big rides that I have gone over my best, although this one was close. I went to Chester using the Wirral Way then over Burton Marshlands and latched onto a cycle path that could have taken me to Mickle Trafford, which will be the next big ride. Got to around 1.5 miles from home and checked Strava... 58 miles! So I went straight past my house to the top of the road, checked again...61.2 turned around and got home and checked again before hitting "end activity". 62.9, I had done what I set out to do. I then danced in the street before my legs gave way after 15 seconds.
About 80% of my ride was on the NCN and there was no problems apart from having to navigate through a group of youths smoking weed and drinking cider, obviously not caring about stereotypes. Luckily I am not too bothered about speeds and cadence or HR, I just go out and ride the average speed of 12.6 shows that.
Yesterday also marked the 6 week anniversary of stopping drinking, which I am still getting ridiculed for by booze loving friends and family.
So, next challenges... Cut down then stop smoking, change diet, proper century ride!
Happy riding folks! And happy anniversary