Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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It must be a girl thing. I'm not keen on going fast either. I normally average 11-12 mph, but have been known to average 14-15 mph when out with faster riders. I prefer to conserve my energy and enjoy the ride.
Don't be telling @Mo1959 its a girl thing, and besides some incredibly fast female cyclists around here, but me to shame, mind you my excuse is always the Viking :smile: and age..
Don't be telling @Mo1959 its a girl thing, and besides some incredibly fast female cyclists around here, but me to shame, mind you my excuse is always the Viking :smile: and age..
tis nay as heavy as my expedition bike (off road touring bike), trust me.... apparently that is around the 22kg mark with both front & rear pannier racks. considering removing the front rack before my next tour in September... might knock 1/2kg off! :biggrin: (mind you still have to sort out a saddle for it yet again)
Definitely. I know a lot of people on this forum think that you have to go so fast that you practically sweat to death, but for me its all about getting out and about and enjoying it. I also like stopping and taking photos, and this can add to the time I'm out. as long as I'm getting exercise I'm happy.
Yea but stopping doesn't make your moving avg slower (well it does, but only the start stop), I averaged about 13.5 for the whole ride yesterday, but the main bits were 15.8 to 17.6 or something, so that is more like a transport thing getting A to B, I ride to improve my ability which ok help keep weight in check do the odd errand ect. not to mention help the environment though in all honesty i think we have lost that one on a long time basis due the plastics now entering the lower ecosystems :sad::cry:
tis nay as heavy as my expedition bike (off road touring bike), trust me.... apparently that is around the 22kg mark with both front & rear pannier racks. considering removing the front rack before my next tour in September... might knock 1/2kg off! :biggrin: (mind you still have to sort out a saddle for it yet again)
I reckon on a normal day my bike coemes in around the 13-14Kgs at least, yesterday I think I must have had another 10Kg on the back thats what it felt like though for the life of me I can't see where from.
I reckon on a normal day my bike coemes in around the 13-14Kgs at least, yesterday I think I must have had another 10Kg on the back thats what it felt like though for the life of me I can't see where from.
that weight of 22kg is before luggage! :eek:
But I know what you mean, just occasionally I get to go out without panniers on and it is so much easier (on my road bike)! Never actually ridden my expedition bike without panniers!
that weight of 22kg is before luggage! :eek:
But I know what you mean, just occasionally I get to go out without panniers on and it is so much easier (on my road bike)! Never actually ridden my expedition bike without panniers!
I understood it was before :laugh:. I think what I am saying I manage an ok speed of 15-16mph on a base bike weighing 12Kgs that I think is it stripped no bottles ect, imagine what I might achieve with a bike in the 8-9Kg mark (break it probably) especially up hill as this is where I do lose, I can see it on strava segments and whilst I can compete with some people on lighter bikes, that has to be a fitness thing. If I was carrying more weight more often it would be geared differently.
I understood it was before :laugh:. I think what I am saying I manage an ok speed of 15-16mph on a base bike weighing 12Kgs that I think is it stripped no bottles ect, imagine what I might achieve with a bike in the 8-9Kg mark (break it probably) especially up hill as this is where I do lose, I can see it on strava segments and whilst I can compete with some people on lighter bikes, that has to be a fitness thing. If I was carrying more weight more often it would be geared differently.
Its only a fitness thing to a point. Some people are just hill climbing people, others are distance people. I am married to a hill climber who takes great delight in spotting a lycra clad road on a carbon bike going uphill and setting off on the chase. He can catch them, overtake at speed and maintain that all the way to the top on any bike including a fully laden touring bike! He looks at me with the pleading eyes that say "can I" before he sets off, I just consent and tell him to wait for me after the top (hate stopping at the very summit - need to get passed it to recover, then stop). He just likes putting them to shame :biggrin: Me, I am a plodder uphill. When I run out of gears, I just plod and will eventually get their without having to stop (assuming I haven't been in hospital the day before :whistle:). On tour, I average 8-9mph (if that) but I don't care. I am not after speed, I am not after distance, I am after just getting there! My commuting is also the same - just faster, always with panniers and I think leisure riding has become the same simply because I spent so long touring, not to mention the various medical issues which mean just getting up some days is difficult! (In fact I am about to give in on that front and try for some sleep and leave my OH to our guest when he arrives!)


If you were to ever look at my average speeds you would know the definition of low! I rarely get into double figures when on my mtb or my touring bike and only scrape in around 12.5mph on my road bike. Don't worry about it and just enjoy the ride!
The pollen count is killing my asthma and me at the moment as well! Dawn and Dusk are the worst for some reason for me, and both of those are falling at 'night' when I am meant to be sleeping and the emphasis is on meant... it is not happening, constant asthma attack after asthma attack at the moment, coupled with streaming nose and dry eyes...! yuck...:cursing:

Thanks for that, and too true, the most enjoyable rides when the only concentration is on the fact the wheels are going around! (And the sun is shining!)

Asthma and hayfever is probably one of the worst feelings when combined even worse, wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Fortunately the pollen stopped effecting my asthma as heavily as it did when I was a kid unless I'm mowing the lawn though it feels like I only have to walk past a hedge and I've rocks in my lungs.

Hope the night is more bearable!
Mo's had such a shake that I don't think she will be as fast when she gets back! Lol
point i was making was how fast you can be and being slow is not always a girly thing. Catch you later rest up, I have to go and ride rather than wanting to, some errands, and not really fuelled up right, its not far, so hopefully i will be ok, just tired and not from the ride was late to bed and up at just after Mo-Time


Senior Member
Hawkinge Kent
Did the Metric Century today. No problems. Could have carried on further. Only issue, first time using the Garmin 810 and when I stopped for cake, I accidentally saved the data instead of pausing the Garmin. So I have two files to combine together. Doh!

Forgot to add that Most of the way home was uphill, with a prevailing SW headwind. Not too bad as it was quite refreshing in the summer heat.
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Its okay to be white
Some good rides going on today so well done all. :thumbsup:

I decided to pace myself on today's little sortie as not only was it warm I had also planned my longest ride to date with more climbing than I'd ever done to so a finishing average of 16mph was my target.

77.9 miles & 3235ft of climbing later & with various stops for cattle, donkeys, forest ponies & misaligned handle bars due to hitting a pothole at 30mph :eek: I managed to finish with probably enough in the tank for a few more flat miles but I don't think I could climb another inch after going so slow up one hill I nearly stopped!!
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