Not posted for a while but been getting out when I can, I've also realised it's not that long until I do the prudential London/Surrey 100 miles so I'd better start upping my game, with that in mind I popped over to Kent for a ride with a friend after work.
My biggest worry about the ride in August is Leith Hill which is a lot steeper than anything you can find in Essex so we headed to Knatts Valley as it has some short, sharp climbs. Glad to say I didn't have to get off and walk (the last 0.4 miles of the climb averages 9%) but I was going so slow my garmin kept auto pausing!!
My biggest worry about the ride in August is Leith Hill which is a lot steeper than anything you can find in Essex so we headed to Knatts Valley as it has some short, sharp climbs. Glad to say I didn't have to get off and walk (the last 0.4 miles of the climb averages 9%) but I was going so slow my garmin kept auto pausing!!