I've started getting a bit consistent now, and plan to do at least "something" cycling a day, well it helps when the weather is like this!
A moment of anticipation probably just saved me from a nasty incident today though, or least has left me with a "I'm glad I did that!" feeling.
There's a short downhill section in a residential area that comes to a t - junction at the bottom, I've witnessed the standard of driving around this area is poor, but never had any incidents.
I plan to turn right at the bottom, but I'm aware people turn into the junction too fast/go over the lane into mine.
Knowing this I checked behind me, it was clear so I had no need for an assertive "I'm going right" position, and hung very left.
I hear a van is coming past the junction and slow even more than usual, the van goes half way past the junction and then realising they've missed a turn suddenly swings in.
The only time the driver and I make contact is after he's where he drove into where a person turning right should have been positioned and he's looking quite startled I'm there at all!
It's always that look of startled that worries me, of course it's full of variables, but I'm glad I was positioned where I was!
On the flip side, lovely weather to cycle in!