hiya not posted on here since last year...but I'm wondering if anyone can help me with a problem ive developed while cycling. Today I went up and down the Tissington trail..32 miles..for over half of that journey I had cramp in my hands...could this be the way the bike has been set up or just my lack of fitness
Could be your gloves were tightened too tight, or your position is putting too much weight on your hands perhaps? Nevermind, had a fit of a lack of reading comprehension.
Finally went out and did a hilly route I planned a week ago but put off too long. Today was the day! Also took the opportunity to test out the Strava photo integration with Instagram, which seemed to work a treat, albeit you are left with 1970s wannabe square pictures!
Ride took me south through Chipstead, past the normal turn off at Box Hill and went further south to loop around to Leith Hill and then back to Box Hill and home.
We all know Strava is a bit whack with elevation, but this was really weird. When I plotted the route out on Strava it said it was just over 4k ft. Saved it to the Garmin and followed it explicitly apart from a detour up to the Leith Hill Tower (which should have added more elevation!) and when uploaded it came in at 3.5k ft on both Garmin and Strava.... Ah well, still quite a bit of climbing for 50 miles.
Managed to climb Leith Hill in one go without stopping for the very first time!! I did have a nervy moment near the top when I was wobbling a bit (steep) and a car came past me close and I nearly ended up in a pothole. Yes, in. The only reason I don't call it a ditch is because it was a metre away from the verge.
As I was being snap happy along the route, once at the top I ventured along a half mile rocky footpath that leads to the actual summit of the hill, where there is a Tower, and a great view - neither of which I had seen, and I figured my average speed was going to be poor anyways so why not.
As I headed downhill I got quite bad cramp in both my thighs, which I managed to work out. Cramp kept coming and going and when I got to Sutton and stopped both legs just went "NO MORE!" I stood there for 2 minutes wincing like you would if you ate a wasp while simultaneously having your man bits flicked by a bitter ex.
Drank half a bottle of water and did the last remaining 5 or so miles in not inconsiderable pain.
My own fault really, didn't drink enough as I was going and it was pretty hot...
Had a nice hot bath and feel a bit light headed....going to drink copious amounts of water methinks, tomorrow should be fun at work...
Some photos for your perusal!
Photographic Evidence The Worlds Grandest Car Park Sometimes Allows Traffic
Leith Hill Summit
Leith Hill Tower
Rest Time!
Got quite a few PRs including Leith Hill. Yay!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the 5 days of summer!
@Phoenix Lincs - What's this I'm hearing about Bikes of the Mountain? You going all off roady on us? You post pics?