I started with the Defy 2 and had avec me very well but thew are better spec for money around and save having to upgrade.
I wish I knew about these when I bought the Defy.
Lovely looking bike there, was looking at that and getting n+1 itches until I saw...
Holy crap. I'm looking to see where the cost saving is. There is always a cost saving. Always. Where is it on that bike? Its a full carbon, ultegra specced for £999! How?? Dayum.
And this was quite an inspirational story from the Scottish press for us 40 something fat newbie blokes
Brilliant story, great to see a positive article about cycling in a local rag for once. Not too dissimilar to me either (not in weight loss, but rather being inspired by Hoy etc to get off my arse and doing some exercise, giving up cigs, buying a bike and doing something!)
Not that I can ride my bike at the moment but for the record it is misty and raining here!
Hope your recovery goes well Spokey, you expecting to get back on June / July ish?
I'm slowly getting a little bit faster. Average of 11.4 mph today over 23 miles. I'm still slow up the hills but my fitness is definitely improving.
I can only dream of being as fast as some of you.
Good ride that, and some segments you were well up in the times. Keep doing it and the mileage will just come. Don't dream of being as fast as anyone else, dream of being as fit and fast as you can be. There is only one competitor here - you.
I think progress for me is now being in the upper half of the rankings in most of the Strava segments I've ridden compared to when I first started 4 months ago where I was firmly in the bottom half!
I started at 5 mile routes and ached afterwards but can now do 40 miles with less aches so definite progress there
I'm never going to be a racer but just want to be able to maintain a reasonable pace over a decent distance
Next target is to get into the top thirds on Strava!
In the larger populated segments, the cool people actually hang around the bottom half. True story.
I am getting brave, it's all in pieces. Chain off, cassette off. Right
@Nigelnaturist now the dam thing will keep still there are twenty five teeth on the lowest gear and twelve on smallest.
BrianEvesham Mechanics
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My workshop
Maybe I shouldn't say this, but the easy part is taking things apart... Hope you took photos / have a good memory!
Well once I had come out of my Pinot Grigio'd state I realised my planned Hills Hills & Damned Hills route was silly. I will have to do it, but maybe next Saturday, or the following week.
So I went to my local haunt (Richmond Park) under pressure from the missus who told me I would just moan if I didn't go out (she's right, as always) and like usual loved it once I was out. Warm, but not hot, nice and sunny with a bit of cloud to take the edge off the day.
Only problem was its Bank Holiday Weekend. Who would have believed bank holiday Sunday would have led to everyone in South West London with a car suddenly heading to Richmond Park! Ok I should have expected it, but each car park there had a jam of about 30 cars queueing up to get in, with a one in one out policy in place. There are about 5 car parks on the lap so time was never going to be good.
Added a little section in the middle and took a break for a little photo opp...
Given the amount of slow moving / stopped cars, cyclists were generally more bunched than normal, and in one instance was behind a pretty good female cyclist who had a slight wardrobe issue regarding her choice of lower body garment and the obvious g-string she wore beneath. Wanted to mention something but...well there really isn't a good way to approach that subject so made my way past her as soon as I could catch her.
At least the critical mass gathering of automobiles meant the ride home was a lot faster than normal.
Got a much better than recent average speed of 14.6mph, but really would have been well over 15mph had RP not done its impression of the M25 on a Friday afternoon.
Hope everyone is having a great bank holiday weekend, and happy