Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
We have them in the family.
Reason I was asking was, I own a vehicle officially but rarely drive it as my wife uses it daily for her work and I cycle to work. Was curious how many other people would be in same position. And even if my wife is not using car I still woild rather cycle but maybe a topic for another thread
Getting frustrated now, it's showing on veloviewer but not here
what's missing?

Edit: scrub that your VW score is now showing...


Legendary Member
Suppose I better brave the weather and get the pooch out. Poor cat is curled up on my knee. She's not going to be happy. Lol
Reason I was asking was, I own a vehicle officially but rarely drive it as my wife uses it daily for her work and I cycle to work. Was curious how many other people would be in same position. And even if my wife is not using car I still woild rather cycle but maybe a topic for another thread
We chat about anything in here, I think it will be come more common, there has defiantly been an increase in cyclists, but its probably better to ask those that commute like @Supersuperleeds.
My cousin bought me the bike in 2008 to ride to London from Dewsbury (wish I had known more at the time) and to do the W.N.B.R. there, I tried to raise some money for missing people on the ride there and back, but failed only got £23 (not very at advertising myself really). I rode a little between then and 2012, but nothing you would shout about once a week Dewsbury to Mirfield maybe 5 or 6 miles and around Dewsbury a little. I started by wanting to get to an avg of 15mph over most terrain so I could take the camera out, that bit never happened (well it did twice), though the 15mph avg I usually do now.

8330112098_6a3fc2ecd6_s.jpg Riding into the Sunset. by nigelnaturist, on Flickr
8360065908_5b0c412882_s.jpg brotherton church by nigelnaturist, on Flickr
8744227608_72f3c2cae9_s.jpg Evening Colours by nigelnaturist, on Flickr
Hope this is not offensive.
9125729087_fb2618f94d_s.jpg WNBR York 2013 Notice Us When We Are Not Naked by nigelnaturist, on Flickr
Suppose I better brave the weather and get the pooch out. Poor cat is curled up on my knee. She's not going to be happy. Lol
Best wishes. not looking great out. Forecast here is for very heavy rain this afternoon (and confirms that) and I have to go out in it to get to the dr's... :sad: won't be adding any extra miles to that distance if it is as bad as forecast! (could even be full waterproofs - top & bottoms!)
And of course it changes my signature each time, so it looks like I was just being blind by now seeing it! Give me caffeine :banghead::cuppa:
I can see it, it has something to do with segment potions and gives a score, the higher placed you are on a segment with lots of riders the higher the score, and so many are included to make up the score, dont fully understand the algorithms. Another great link on veloviewer (though its actually on strava), is the link that shows your ride and others you passed or were close to you/your ride (though I have noticed differences in time on some).

Click on the double arrow icon and it will show you, this is on your activities page on veloviewer.
Reason I was asking was, I own a vehicle officially but rarely drive it as my wife uses it daily for her work and I cycle to work. Was curious how many other people would be in same position. And even if my wife is not using car I still woild rather cycle but maybe a topic for another thread
I used to be in the same position... I owned the car, but I only used it occasionally, my OH used it all the time. We just made sure that insurance were aware I was not the main driver of the car (despite being the owner and it being insured in my name). Didn't cost any extra. Now my OH owns the car and insures it with him as the main driver... but often the car just sits on the driveway looking forlornly at the bikes... (then usually breaking down - it is so attention seeking! :laugh:).
Best wishes. not looking great out. Forecast here is for very heavy rain this afternoon (and confirms that) and I have to go out in it to get to the dr's... :sad: won't be adding any extra miles to that distance if it is as bad as forecast! (could even be full waterproofs - top & bottoms!)
Surely after the Scandinavian countries the U.K. is a breeze :smile:
I used to be in the same position... I owned the car, but I only used it occasionally, my OH used it all the time. We just made sure that insurance were aware I was not the main driver of the car (despite being the owner and it being insured in my name). Didn't cost any extra. Now my OH owns the car and insures it with him as the main driver... but often the car just sits on the driveway looking forlornly at the bikes... (then usually breaking down - it is so attention seeking! :laugh:).
Aren't bikes the same :laugh:
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