Should I keep the bell??

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Über Member
Pedal reflectors? Who the hell has pedal reflectors?


but, in answer to the original question: while it is perfectly 'up to you' whether you keep it or not, it IS a bit of a sign of a novice to keep it on (whether that be a good thing or not). it does just look like you've 'forgotten to take it off'. It fits into that same category of things that shops have to put on either because they're legally obliged to for it to be sold as a bike or that they deem a safety item, like pedal reflectors, spoke reflectors, seat post reflectors, fork reflectors, bells, spoke protector discs - they can (and should) all come off.


Bells are acceptable if they are in the bad position , if not remove it. Ive convinced all my friends to ride with there bells in the bad postition , there lives are so much happier now :biggrin:
All our bikes have ping bells on them. Those we bought second hand that didn't have a bell now have one fitted. To my way of thinking, it just gives you another option besides your voice for alerting peds, esp on shared use trails, but also in town.


New Member
most walkers I come across on shared things seem to use mp3 players anyway and I have to slow down to a near stop and edge past slowly. a bell is pretty much useless. makes them jump though, which can be fun. this was one of the things that first pushed me onto roads rather than cycle paths.


I like my ping bells,I find them usefull to let me know I am going over rough ground too fast when they start pinging and time to slow down and value my life.


Legendary Member
Its preference as others have said,but i find it can be better than shouting coming through or on your right in some cases,then the usual thanks as you pass.Just seems less agressive.


After a very near miss with a pedestrian who decided to change course just as I was about to ride past her, I fitted a bell to my bike. I've never found the need to use it since!


A Velocipedian
beanzontoast said:
All our bikes have ping bells on them. Those we bought second hand that didn't have a bell now have one fitted. To my way of thinking, it just gives you another option besides your voice for alerting peds, esp on shared use trails, but also in town.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Dave5N said:
Pedal reflectors? Who the hell has pedal reflectors?

Me. And pretty much anyone who doesn't feel the need to go clipless (and a few who do, if they have double sided pedals whihc are cliplss one side and flat the other)...

I've heard it said that the motion of pedal reflectors is useful as it identifies you as a bike and rider, much better than a single rear light.


A Velocipedian
I wear reflective trouser leg clips. Guess is achieves the same purpose. My M520's came with plastic "flats" clipins with reflectors on it but they came off within minutes lol.

Arch said:
Me. And pretty much anyone who doesn't feel the need to go clipless (and a few who do, if they have double sided pedals whihc are cliplss one side and flat the other)...

I've heard it said that the motion of pedal reflectors is useful as it identifies you as a bike and rider, much better than a single rear light.
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