Marie Attoinette Fan
And even then it doesn't always work !Hairy Jock said:The bell is only really useful if you ride on shared paths, just to let peds know you are coming...
And even then it doesn't always work !Hairy Jock said:The bell is only really useful if you ride on shared paths, just to let peds know you are coming...
beanzontoast said:All our bikes have ping bells on them. Those we bought second hand that didn't have a bell now have one fitted. To my way of thinking, it just gives you another option besides your voice for alerting peds, esp on shared use trails, but also in town.
Dave5N said:Pedal reflectors? Who the hell has pedal reflectors?
Arch said:Me. And pretty much anyone who doesn't feel the need to go clipless (and a few who do, if they have double sided pedals whihc are cliplss one side and flat the other)...
I've heard it said that the motion of pedal reflectors is useful as it identifies you as a bike and rider, much better than a single rear light.
BigonaBianchi said:lose it..unless you ride it in Germany where I believe cyclists without bells are still zipped orf to ze russian front